Niku Daruma / Tumbling Doll of Flesh (1998)

Not Worth Your Time

The first half of it is just porn, the second half of it is torture porn. I’m not a moralist, yet I’m not a fan of this sort of films either. There’s no story, there’s no acting, there’s no cinematography. It’s not even shocking, because the props are so fake, it’s laughable. ‘Tumbling Doll of Flesh’ is a frequent guest in ‘disturbing’ movie lists on YouTube, but it’s not even disturbing. It’s just overhyped and boring.

Yeah, I do realise that some people would be offended by this film, but it’s hard to pick a thing someone isn’t offended by these days. For me the most difficult part was trying not to fall asleep watching this. If you want to get ‘disturbed’, there’s plenty of films that are more graphic or psychologically harrowing, or both. Maybe ‘Tumbling Doll…’ is one of the earliest pseudo-snuff films, so it kinda deserves a credit for it, but it still doesn’t make It good.

It starts with a job interview
It starts with a job interview.
Starting meaningless scenes are almos the only ones SFW
Starting meaningless scenes are almos the only ones SFW.
After arriving at the remote location 'protagonists' are ready to film a porn flick
After arriving at the remote location 'protagonists' are ready to film a porn flick.
It doesn't go according to the actress' plan so she tries to leave
It doesn't go according to the actress' plan so she tries to leave.
Too bad 'filmmakers' are not exactly agreed with her...
It doesn't go according to the actress' plan so she tries to leave.