The ramblings of a mid-aged man

AVAST shuts down all products for users in Russia and Belarus

After 2022 AVAST stopped distributing its free antivirus in Russia and Belarus, even though you could download the installation package from the website via direct link. The official support was not discontinued at that time.

Last month all AVAST products stopped working in Russia due to compliance to international sanctions policy.

Миссия Avast — каждый день обеспечивать надежной защитой всех пользователей цифрового мира, формируя более справедливый и свободный Интернет. Учитывая недавние события и правила экспортного контроля, наша глобальная компания придерживается санкционной политики, установленной международными правительственными организациями и властями стран-участников. AVAST official website

Yes, we all know what's happening, we all know why it's happening, but AVAST had handled it in a particularly shady way.

AVAST antivirus software stopped working
Now the only available window says, 'Regretfully, this product isn't being supported in your current location'.

It seems like the only way to determine if the product should work for you or not is an IP address, but what if you're, let's say, a foreign journalist, working in Russia. Should you be cut off too? Also, retroactively disabling a working product in the background is shady as hell. I've no doubt license agreement covers this, we all know what these 'free' software license agreements be like, but it's still shady as hell and potentionally damaging. The thing is, the software is still working, you just can't control it in any way.

Well, too bad, I guess.